University of Bari
University Hotels and Student Accommodation
(Bari, Apulia, Italy)
Tourists can easily find places to stay in Bari, whether for long- or short-term stay. Hotels offer varied room rates, offering quality lodging for tourists on a budget. Student accommodation is somewhat limited, although the University's International Office has an accommodation assistance programme for international students.
Hotels and Accommodation
For visitors and travelers coming to Bari, the city offers a range of hotels and accommodation. Bari hotels are usually located in between the airport and city proper, making them very accessible. These accommodation range from two-star to four-star hotels and have air-conditioning, televisions, phonelines, and lifts. Bigger hotels usually have parking and garages, while others may have restaurants, bars, and swimming pools. Bari accommodation accepts travellers staying for a few days and travellers staying for extended periods of time.
Student Accommodation
Like most universities in Europe, the University of Bari has a limited amount of in-campus student residences. The university does not guarantee that all of its students will be given equal opportunity to get a student residence slot. Because of this, the university founded the International Office, which assists visiting and international students in looking for their own housing and accommodation.
University students have two residence options. One is to stay in one of the university's in-campus residences while the other is to look for private housing. Student accommodation, whether in-campus or off-campus, can be rented individually or can be shared with other students. Residences can be single-sex or co-ed, depending on the owner. Interested students should inform the university several months prior to their first university day.